My Gluten Free Crumpets Recipe (vegan/dairy free option + low FODMAP) (2024)

My gluten free crumpets recipe is something I’ve been trying to perfect on and off for the last few years… but somehow, I think I’ve finally nailed it! There’s an easy vegan/dairy free option and it’s low FODMAP too.

Now, you’ll probably know me as more of a baking kinda gal and that’s because everything else seems to turn into a disaster very quickly!! But after many failed attempts, I’m super happy to share my gluten free crumpets recipe with you… hooray!

And I guess that failure is all part of the process, right? I mean, I wouldn’t be posting this recipe without all those burned-to-a-crisp-crumpets of the past, would I?!

(there’s your motivational though for the day!)

But it was actually KitchenAid who gave me the inspiration to step into the ring (kitchen!) for one more round with my biggest rival: the gluten free crumpet.

They gifted me their beautiful toaster and kettle from the Limited Edition Queen of Hearts collection to celebrate their 100th anniversary. And I mean… it was like fate or something.

Because obviously, to create tea and crumpets… you’ll probably need a toaster and a kettle, right?!

So that was a massive sign to me that I need to finally take on and conquer gluten free crumpets once and for all.

And somehow I did! They turned out just as I’d dreamed – a lovely crisp exterior with a light and fluffy, yet slightly chewy interior. Keep reading to find out what I was doing wrong all these years and why it’s actually sooo simple when you know how!

I got so carried away that I then went on to create a couple of other toaster-friendly recipes too which I’ll post below ?? including my gluten free blueberry pancakes (recipe here) AND gluten free waffles (recipe here).

So what was I doing wrong all these years when trying to create my gluten free crumpets recipe?

Well, it was quite simple really but I had a bit of a lightbulb moment that I never really thought about before and it was this:

Gluten free flour tends to make everything drier – it’s quite a bit more absorbent than regular flour. And I always compensate for this in my baking by using slightly less flour compared to my wet ingredients.

Now it seemed so obvious! Throughout all those crumpet-fails of the past, it was because my batter was simply waaaaay too thick and never stood a chance of cooking right through. It would be burnt on the outsides before it was even close to being cooked in the middle – a massive fail.

So with that bombshell finally realised, I simply upped the amount of milk I was using in the recipe (and added a little extra water if I still feel it’s too thick) which made the batter mixture much more of a workable consistency.

And boom! They turned out perfect – lightly golden brown on the tops and bottoms and perfectly cooked in the middle.

So I just wanted to thank KitchenAid for giving me that ‘sign’ I needed to get back in the crumpet-recipe-creation-game again… I mean, only one recipe came to mind when I heard I was going to be creating a recipe using a toaster and a kettle ?

(and I wasn’t quite sure how I felt about it at the time!!)

But looking back on it now, it was all a necessary journey to get me to this blog post… and now it sort of puts all those fails and struggles into context!

Phew, who knew that my gluten free crumpets recipe would get so deep?!

But even if it’s something as small as a batch of freshly made crumpets, it’s so nice to now be able to think of what I would have called a waste of time and ingredients, as a journey to the end product. And I guess this is where I finally share that with you right now!

You can easily make this recipe vegan and dairy free simply by swapping milk for unsweetened almond milk. I’ve tried it and it works completely fine! For low FODMAP, just make sure your milk is lactose free.

My Gluten Free Crumpets Recipe (vegan/dairy free option + low FODMAP) (7)

My Gluten Free Crumpets Recipe (vegan/dairy free option + low FODMAP)

Here's my homemade gluten free crumpets recipe! Trust me - you just can't beat the taste of freshly cooked crumpets and they can easily be made vegan/dairy free and low FODMAP too!

SERVINGS: 10 -12

PREP TIME: 10 minutes mins

TOTAL TIME: 1 hour hr 47 minutes mins


4.67 from 124 votes


  • 400 ml milk (dairy free / vegan if necessary)
  • 1.5 tsp caster sugar
  • 1 tbsp yeast (I use dry active yeast) (ensure it is gluten free)
  • 300 g gluten free self raising flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda


  • Place your milk into a glass jug and heat up to around 43 degrees C (this is just warm - I used my cooking thermometer to check)

  • Add your caster sugar and yeast to the warm milk and stir. Leave until the mixture starts to get a little frothy - about 10 minutes.

  • In a mixing bowl add your flour, bicarbonate of soda and salt. Then add in your milk mixture. Stir together until smooth. It should be quite thick, but not too thick! Do this for a couple of minutes, I used a handheld whisk.

  • Leave to prove, covered in a warm place for about 90 minutes (no less than an hour). My oven has a proving setting so I left it in there. Make sure you bowl is big enough so it doesn't over prove, there should be some air bubbles on the top once it's done.

  • If your mixture has thickened too much you could add a little warm water at this stage (a tbsp or two, but it should be ok).

  • Heat up a frying pan and add some oil to it. place either a couple of egg rings or biscuit cutters in the pan.

  • Once the pan is hot enough (medium heat), put two and a half tbsp in each ring and allow to cook for about 5 minutes. Little air bubbles should start to appear on the surface (hopefully!). If they don't then don't worry too much.

  • Using tongs, lift off the rings and then flip the crumpets onto the other side for a minute or two (the top of the crumpet should basically be dry so when you flip it there should be no mess).

  • Remove from the pan and repeat with the rest of the batter.

  • Serve hot from the pan or place in your toaster to reheat. Serve with butter, spread, golden syrup, jam, cheese... or whatever you fancy! Enjoy with a cuppa!


Serving: 1grams | Calories: 134kcal | Carbohydrates: 25g | Protein: 5g | Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 3mg | Sodium: 496mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 1g

Thanks for reading all about my gluten free crumpets recipe! If you make it, I’d love to see how it turned out so don’t forget to take a snap of your creations and tag me on Instagram!

Any questions about the recipe? Please do let me know by following me onInstagram and leaving me a comment on a recent photo!

Thanks for reading,

Becky xxx

Oh and don’t forget to pin this for later!

My Gluten Free Crumpets Recipe (vegan/dairy free option + low FODMAP) (9)

My Gluten Free Crumpets Recipe (vegan/dairy free option + low FODMAP) (10)
Gluten-Free Recipe

My Gluten Free Crumpets Recipe (vegan/dairy free option + low FODMAP) (2024)


Can you get gluten free crumpets? ›

Gluten Free Crumpets (4 pack) | Warburtons Gluten Free.

Are crumpets dairy free? ›

Crumpets are made from a mixture of flour, yeast, and water or milk to form a batter.

Who makes gluten free crumpets? ›

Liberate Crumpets have been created gluten free and free from all other common allergens for everyone to safely enjoy. That's why Liberate Crumpets are gluten free, wheat free, oat free, dairy free, egg free, yeast free, soy free, tree nut free, FODMAP friendly and non-GMO with no added preservatives.

Can vegans eat crumpets? ›

This might be an obvious one to some, but a quick poll with our vegan and dairy-free friends shows many mistakenly believe crumpets contained dairy. Wrong! We're happy to report that most store brought crumpets are vegan-friendly, and they go just perfectly with a thick slather of Pure dairy-free spread.

Does vegan mean gluten and dairy free? ›

Although a lot of vegan foods are gluten-free, there are vegan foods that do contain gluten. A vegan diet is based upon eating plants and excludes foods derived from animals, (this means no cheese, eggs, meat or fish.) Veganism has had a rise in the last few years.

What is surprisingly not gluten-free? ›

Here are some foods likely to contain gluten:
  • Beer, ale and lagers.
  • Bouillon cubes.
  • Brown rice syrup.
  • Candy.
  • Chips.
  • Communion wafers.
  • Couscous.
  • Deli meats.
Aug 7, 2020

Are crumpets dairy and soy free? ›

Easy Homemade Crumpets - Dairy Free, Egg Free, Soy Free, Nut and Peanut Free, Vegan. Crumpets are a light and fluffy stovetop bread from the UK. They are made from a yeasted batter that also contains baking soda - kind of like a cross between a quick bread and a leavened bread.

Are crumpets good for you? ›

So, to answer your question, I'm afraid crumpets are nutritionally poor in comparison to wholegrain carbohydrates. However, they are not going to do you any harm if you have one as an occasional snack. You are advised to seek medical advice before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle with an aim of weight loss.

Are crumpets better than bread? ›

Crumpets are the lowest calorie option in the morning goods section, and have by far the lowest fat content. We're not sure whether today's advice is that this is a good or bad thing, but if fat is currently good, throw another nob of butter on!

Who makes Aldi crumpets? ›

Village Bakery

What are the ingredients in liberate gluten free crumpets? ›

Ingredients: Water, Modified Tapioca Starch (1442), Corn Starch, Brown Rice Flour, Coconut Cream, Potato Starch, Hi-Maize Starch, Apple Cider Vinegar, Native Potato Flour, Caster Sugar, Coconut Oil, Raising Agents (Baking Soda (500), Leavening Acid (450)), Cultured Dextrose, Sea Salt, Vegetable Gum (Guar Gum), Organic ...

What mayo is gluten-free? ›

Made with no artificial colours or flavours, Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise is naturally gluten free. Furthermore, it contains no added MSG. For chefs like Shaw, having a gluten-free product with a made-from-scratch taste like Hellmann's close at hand makes life so much easier.

What food is surprisingly vegan? ›

18 Snacks and Foods You Didn't Know Were Vegan
  • Sriracha Mayo. I'm just as surprised as you are that Flying Goose's brilliant sriracha mayo is completely plant-based. ...
  • Hackney Gelato Dark Chocolate Sorbetto. ...
  • Lotus Biscoff Spread. ...
  • Lindt Excellence 70% Dark Chocolate. ...
  • Ritz Crackers. ...
  • Jacob's Cream Crackers. ...
  • Oreos. ...
  • Twiglets.
Jan 11, 2023

Are Oreos vegan? ›

Many vegans refer to Oreos as “accidentally vegan,” meaning they don't contain animal products — but they weren't created to be a specifically vegan treat. Oreos do not contain milk, eggs, or any other animal-derived products, so they are technically vegan in that sense. Plant-based cookies and cream lovers rejoice!

Can vegans have lettuce? ›

Lettuce, cucumber, and tomatoes are all fine, but why not get creative and add at least a five other items? Apart from raw hard winter squash or potatoes, pretty much every vegetable in the produce section is fair game. Here are some especially good choices: shredded spinach or kale.

Do sourdough crumpets have gluten? ›

This being said, the fermentation process in the sourdough eats away the nasties and the gluten is reduced by 97% making gluten intolerant sufferers able to eat sourdough crumpets safely.

Does Jiffy Pop have gluten? ›

Jiffy Pop - Butter Flavour Popcorn, 127 Gram

As much fun to make as it is to eat! Pop over a campfire or stove top. Gluten free. Noartificial colours or flavours.

Are golden crumpets gluten-free? ›

Contains: Wheat, Gluten.

Are Jiffy marshmallows gluten-free? ›

Jet-Puffed Marshmallows are probably safe to eat for someone who is gluten intolerant. But they may not be the best choice for someone who has celiac disease.


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